For many students and their families, Catholic higher education carries the distinction of being a cut above public or other private colleges. But in the 21st century, with Catholic colleges and universities turning to online education, just what continues to set online Catholic college education apart?

Same Belief and Overall Views on Education and Life in General

Choosing to enroll in an online degree program at a Catholic College or University ensures that you will be taught in an environment where you feel comfortable and at home. The values of the Church will be presented along with the lesson plans so you have a better understanding of your education and your faith can work together to provide you with the career you want.

While many choose a Catholic college for their faith, others may choose a Catholic college for the simple fact that they provide a higher quality education at a more affordable price. Attending a Catholic college in either platform allows the student to live a faith-based lifestyle in every facet of their life.

Learn While You Earn

Enrolling in a degree program at a Catholic college allows you to learn while you earn. Most people who choose to take an online degree program do so because the convenient schedule allows them to work a full or part-time job based on their individual needs. Some students are already employed and raising a family. Being forced to enroll in a traditional degree program would force them to make a choice between feeding their family and continuing their education.

Catholic colleges that offer online degree programs make it easy for family members to do both tasks seamlessly and fulfill their obligations to both their family and their faith. For many Catholic students, having to make a choice can stall their careers. Being able to do both at the same time allows opportunities for advancement that will allow them to take better care of their family in the future.

Flexible Schedule

Online classes offer an affordable schedule that allows students to study when they are able to actually absorb what they are learning. While deadlines are still a necessity for degree programs offered by Catholic colleges, students aren’t spending valuable time driving to and from school. The time that would have spent traveling can be better spent going over lessons and studying for tests. Students can take their homework with them and study in their spare time or while they are on break at work.

The added convenience also reduces stress, allowing students to be more at ease while they are taking tests or making their way through the homework assignments. Students who study better on their own don’t have to worry about large classrooms full of students.

Learn From Almost Anywhere

For many students attending a Catholic college may not be possible if there isn’t one near where they live. Being able to enroll in an online degree program at the Catholic college of there choice opens up new opportunities for them and at the same time, get their education from a college that is steeped in the Catholic faith and its many traditions. Students can enroll in a degree program from their favorite Catholic college even though they live many hours away. The online format allows them the opportunity to learn no matter where they are. They can even follow their lessons while they travel.

The online format also allows students the freedom to take the classes they need, when they need them. For many, a full course load may be too much. They can easily take one or two classes at a time which will enable them to achieve their goals, even if their favorite Catholic college is many miles away.

Scholarship Programs

Many Catholic organizations like the Knights of Columbus offer scholarships to students who choose to continue their education by enrolling in a Catholic college or university. Being able to enroll in an online degree program from their favorite Catholic school, allows students to enjoy the option of applying for a scholarship even though live many miles away from the closest college. Scholarships are a great way to offset the cost of a student’s education. Receiving a scholarship can make it possible for a student who may not have had the necessary funds, to enroll in a degree program that will help them make a better future for both themselves and their families.

Because of the way scholarship programs are set up, they are looked at as gifs from the organization to the student. They do not have to be paid back and the student can move forward with their education without taking money that may be needed to support their family. Many students who receive scholarships often go on to become members of the organization that helped them to further their careers.

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